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The correct address is important for both delivery and emergency services

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often overlook small but crucial details:

  • - clear and visible labeling at the home address and
  • - correct entry of delivery and contact information when ordering or online shopping.

Why is this so important?

Correct labeling is not only necessary for a successful parcel delivery. Firefighters, other emergency services and delivery people - three completely different fields, but we all rely on a clear, accurate and highly visible home ad-dress label.

How to mark correctly?

A clearly marked house number in a visible place, information about the staircase, correctly marked intercom, door and mailbox, correctly entering the address and mobile phone numbers when ordering online: these seemingly simple details help to ensure that your shipments are delivered correctly and make it a lot easier the work of deliv-erymen.
We deliver to addresses and not to names (surnames are not required for data protection reasons).

  • • Successful delivery and establishing contact with the recipient is only possible if the numbers on the doors, intercoms and mailboxes are clearly indicated and match the information on the postal shipment.
  • • Contacting the recipient in the event of errors or missing information is only possible if you provide your mobile phone number when ordering. Taking a few minutes to make sure your address is clearly marked can make a big difference.

1. Enter the correct mobile phone number when ordering
2. Correct mailing address when ordering
3. A correctly marked mailbox/bell

Express One Slovenia

For all media inquiries and information, please contact our public relations department. We will respond to your inquiries as soon as possible. Media contact:

Distribution warehouse map

The headquarters of our company and the central warehouse are in the Komenda business zone. Our other warehouses with space for handling goods provide the necessary geographical coverage for fast delivery of shipments to recipients the next working day throughout Slovenia.
